
We take pride in the quality of our services and the satisfaction of our clients. Here, you'll find a collection of testimonials from authors and publishers who have experienced firsthand the excellence and professionalism we commit to bringing to every project. Read on for an insight into how we’ve helped our clients achieve their goals and why they trusted us with their most important work.

Some experiences leave an imprint more than just getting a service and paying for it. This I can say of Bookmark Editors. For my third book of poetry, I wanted someone with whom I could discuss, not only the text but all the stages and aspects of publishing. I was very satisfied with the final product. Bookmark Editors provides it all. The friendly exchanges (emails and phone calls) I had with Elizabeth made the whole process easy and pleasing. I highly recommend Bookmark Editors.

Emmanuel Attard Cassar

Author of Woman in Red and Other Crude Reflections

I’ve had the privilege of knowing and collaborating with Ms Elizabeth Cortis for over six years. Throughout this time, Elizabeth and her team have consistently delivered meticulous work and offered valuable advice. Cortis is a dedicated individual who is up-to-date on the ins and outs of proofreading and literature. She is known for innovative thinking. I have had the pleasure of working with Elizabeth on various projects, including children’s books. In addition to her calm and professional demeanour, Elizabeth is patient and never misses a deadline. Her positive attitude is infectious and truly adds value to every manuscript. Elizabeth and Bookmark Editors are an invaluable asset.

Joanne Micallef

Faraxa Publishing

Is-servizzi eċċellenti offruti minn Bookmark Editors kienu strumentali fil-produzzjoni tal-ewwel ktieb tiegħi. Sa mill-ewwel darba li għamilt kuntatt ma’ dil-kumpanija, ġejt milqugħ minn tim ta’ professjonisti li kollha kienu lesti biex jagħtu l-aqwa pariri u gwida biex ix-xogħol tiegħi seta’ jiġi mtejjeb u ppreparat bl-aqwa mod possibbli. Matul il-vjaġġ għall-pubblikazzjoni tal-ktieb ġejt mogħti ideat, suġġerimenti, u pariri għaqlin li għenuni ntejjeb il-kontenut u nirfina l-prodott. Kull fejn kien hemm dubji jew mistoqsijiet, ingħatajt l-għajnuna u weġbuni fil-pront u bl-aqwa mod possibbli. Ċert li l-prodott finali miksub ma kienx ikun daqstant tajjeb u mirqum mingħajr is-servizzi ta’ Bookmark Editors. Għalhekk, grazzi għas-servizz, għall-gwida, u għat-tagħlim mogħti!

Vincent Caruana Gauci

Author of Ġrajjietna: Società Filarmonica Maria Mater Gratiæ

Elizabeth and her team provided professional and consistent support from the first time I contacted them up to project completion. Their feedback was not limited to the use of language. They go the extra mile to help achieve a polished final product. Bookmark Editors are very reliable and deliver on time. I am delighted with the service and would definitely recommend it!

Lara Fenech

Author of I Am and When I Grow Up: Heidi's Show and Tell

I have come to know about Bookmark Editors when I was just finishing my story, and from my very first contact with Elizabeth, I realised how professional, dedicated, and caring she is. I was instantly impressed by the high standards she observes. I am very pleased by the way she guided me through the whole process and the efficiency with which she works. Elizabeth has not only explained very clearly and in detail how to proceed at every stage but also answered all my queries very promptly and gave me very good and sound advice throughout. I must say that she has been a constant source of inspiration and great encouragement.

Andreas Azzopardi

Author of Avvent tal-Maltempata

Elizabeth was essential to the success of my book and beyond. I self-published my debut book using Elizabeth’s book editing and proofreading services, and I could not have done it so well without her. From the very first time I contacted Elizabeth, she had golden advice to offer in terms of adjusting the content to make it more appealing to the reader without losing my tone of voice. She is highly competent, very professional, hardworking, and delivers beyond expectations. I would suggest using Elizabeth’s services to anyone in an instant. Not only does she do her job exceptionally well, but she goes the extra mile by providing the support, guidance, and encouragement one would need amid a daunting project. Thank you, Elizabeth!

Nakita Attard Vassallo

Author of The Mama Manual

The professional, hardworking Bookmark Editors team delivers beyond expectations. Their book-editing services provide support, guidance, and encouragement through the complexities of writing. The team’s editorial services guided me throughout the various editing and proofreading stages of my soon-to-be-published debut book: a cross-genre, historical fiction novel titled Tahaya: Tales of the Tal-Qadi Stone. This also included their overall supervision in my research as well as in-depth mentoring, improving my writing skills and understanding the use of literary devices. It was a hard task but ever so rewarding. I wholeheartedly recommend Bookmark Editors to anyone seeking professional editing services. I could not have completed my book without their dedication, commitment, effort, and loyalty. Grateful to have received such excellent services and wonderful work ethics.

Anna Grima

Author of Tahaya: Tales of the Tal-Qadi Stone
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